If your spirits need lifting ...

WILD WOOD is now in stock -- and here's the first review from Sandra Horn http://www.authorselectric.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/wildwood-by-jan-needle-reviewed-by.html

"There are wonderful touches of laugh-out-loud humour – the rabble-rousing stoat Boddington is ‘peculiarly yellow, a little lacking in body, extremely bitter, but one of the best.’Toad’s fine wines include Visage de Poisson; Schloss Katzenjammer is a German beer. It is delightful, tongue-in-cheek stuff and the Willie Rushton illustrations complement it perfectly.If your spirits need lifting, this is the book for you. If you’re already uplifted, read it anyway – it’s a gem."


on 2014-04-24 13:29 by Golden Duck

and the author's celebrating already! http://authorselectric.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/on-toot-with-drum-and-floot-by-jan.html